Trying to find beauty and interest in post-autumn colour and chilly days is challenging. The last few weeks have been dreary. Rainy, cold, just plain miserable. Happily, while the weather is improving, I am refocussing on shooting for the season and accept the challenges that it brings.
Last week the fog rolled in thick and covered everywhere. I had seen this before and had a location in mind for these exact conditions. After dropping the kids off at school I took off to where I knew I wanted to be. I parked the car as close as I could, which was about 1 kilometre away and then walked back to the forest I had only seen from the highway at 130 km/h.
I was vibrating with excitement, everything was so cool. Exactly what I had envisioned with a bonus of a lonely tree out of pattern. I finally looked at the time and realized I had been too long and had to return to help with the kids as JBN had class that afternoon. Time really flies when you are having fun and the sun isn't visible.
Later that week we were expecting another overcast day and I thought, the best conditions to photograph waterfalls is overcast. I googled waterfalls around me and began to look at imagery. I found something not too far away that looked like it had potential, Allerheiligen wasserfälle. I set out after coffee (coffee first, always!) and arrived after an hour and a bit. At the top of the trail is Klosterruine Allerheiligen, they are monastery ruins. There was a little snow dusting the ground and a chill in the air when I started out. Shortly down the trail I saw a nice scene and decided to set up a shot. When I went to step on a rock I realized there was a frog there. I looked closely and and blew across it's eyes and it blinked! Ok, still alive and kicking at near freezing temps in mid-November. That's a tough frog in my books. I continued down the trail following the stream to a series of larger waterfalls. Once again, after having my fill I glanced at the time and realized I needed to hustle back to France and my family.
See all the images here in the gallery.